There was a time when typical office communications consisted of desk phones and maybe an intercom. Although office workers from before our information technology era now have their desk phones, intercoms are often used to call workers to the manager’s office, deliver instant messages or deliver some instructions. Businesses can still communicate with their overseas offices and conference calls are something where you need operator assistance to make connections.
The past decade of inter-office communication consisted of memos that were circulated and posted in public places for everyone to see. When memos are confidential, they are placed in an envelope that requires the recipient to initial when they receive them. Couriers are widely used to carry important and confidential documents throughout the city to be signed and the post office enjoys a lot of business because it is the place to send, retrieve, or send, your certified letters and correspondence. Letters, manuscripts, and memos are produced on typewriters and many offices and newsrooms have typists who shout at their typewriter keys to produce work volume
Saying much has changed since the days before our Information Technology era will be an understatement. When e-mails appear on the scene, interoffice and foreign communication take dramatic changes. More can be communicated in a much shorter time frame and replies take several minutes, not several days. Electronic messaging is directly in competition with telegraph companies, people are increasingly using telegram services especially when more computers appear at home. When officers were able to buy computers for thousands of dollars, word processing replaced typewriters and typists into a thing of the past. At the scene now, is the data entry and order entry specialist.
Information Technology has and is changing the way companies communicate and do business. A leaner and more efficient business. Technology companies are looking for ways to make systems and processes more efficient. People who have personal computers can access their office computers from home and business can hold online conferences to communicate with their offices abroad, without having to leave their local offices. The ability to send instant messages to workers’ desktops saves time and managers can get instant replies to help in the decision-making process. For example, the use of chat API & in-app messaging as a service – Agora. The workplace is not only global but also easily accessible by employers and employees. The location of your office is no longer important, it’s local now because of the implementation of technology and the way we use this technology to communicate.
When technology companies find newer and better methods to communicate, the methods used today save companies and people hundreds and thousands of dollars and these savings will surely be missed if the use of existing technology is disrupted.